Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gogyohka 4/6/10

be my dance partner
let your breath fill my lungs
I trust you
to lift me in the air

In the elevator
with a chihuahua
"His name's Shakespeare."
"Oh yeah?"
"He's a drama king."

A morning without sun
like nothing's happened
birds everywhere
telling me
think again, bucko

I have two legs
two lips
one brain
and magic fingertips
reaching into everything

my nerves
tell my body
to be afraid
of everybody and everyone
my mind loves

I thought I'd be afraid
to be near
someone close to death
but I'm not
I like him

the bathroom
with the special toilet
makes me feel
like I'm peeing
through a sponge cake

the grass
on the graves
are beards
of the dead
making waves

1 comment:

Sienna said...

I really like the simplicity of the sixth one. Nice.